Our vision is to create a new model of practice as architect-developers and to transform the profession from the volume-oriented model of traditional architecture to a value and quality-oriented model of practice that allows us to concentrate more time and resources toward the success of each individual project. Our team’s experience includes both residential and commercial projects of a wide array of types as well as sustainable projects certified in the LEED, WELL, and Living Building Challenge programs. We seek to collaborate with clients who care as deeply as we do about high-performance built environments.
Our Founder and Principal
Pete Choquette
Pete Choquette was an 18-year veteran of architecture and sustainability consulting when he sold his stake in his former firm in 2021. Frustrated with traditional practice and its limitations, he returned to school at the youthful age of 43 to earn a Master’s degree in Real Estate Development from the Georgia Institute of Technology. In 2022 he founded Centripetal Works and its sister company, Solsbury Hill Development. The firm's vision is to help establish a new model of practice that supports and accelerates the world's transition to triple bottom line sustainability with a mission to prove the deployment of design and capital together in strategic vision can lead to the development of healthier, more equitable, and more prosperous communities.
Professional Organizations and Accreditations
American Institute of Architects (AIA) Member
National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB) Accredited
Urban Land Institute (ULI)
State Architectural Registrations
North Carolina
Sustainability Accreditations
LEED BD+C Accredited Professional
LEED ID+C Accredited Professional
LEED O:M Accredited Professional
WELL Accredited Professional
Resnet Accredited HERS Rater and Field Inspector
Selected Competitions
2022 NREL Solar Decathlon Student Competition – Residential Grand Prize Winner
2011 City of Atlanta Trinity Avenue Urban Farm Competition – Semifinalist
Selected Presentations
2023 ASHRAE Winter Conference, Atlanta, Georgia – Firing Up Funding for Affordable Housing Projects + Igniting a Carbon-Free Fire Around Building Science
2015 AIA National Conference, Atlanta, Georgia – An Introduction to Environmental Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA)
2014 Greenbuild Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana – Passivhaus Office, A Real World Case Study
Master of Real Estate Development, Georgia Institute of Technology – 2022
Master of Architecture, Georgia Institute of Technology – 2003
Bachelor of Science in Architecture, Georgia Institute of Technology – 2000
NREL Solar Decathlon Alumni Award - 2024